Wrapping Up the Year

I ordered this book from Amazon and really enjoyed it. I related to a lot of what the author wrote. The next to last entry, a poem, reflects how I feel about still wanting to reach my goal of racing in all 50 states. The PNH is making it more unlikely that I will but I refuse to give up!

Ode to One Last Race

Farther down the trail,
My leg strength fading,
Lung Capacity diminished,
And heart losing muscle. 
It will be time,
For a time,
One last time. 

How will I choose,
A final finish line, 
That ends more than the race?
To embrace,
To relish, 
To seat upon my mind.
For a time, 
One last time. 

With nary a chance to lose,
For completion brings a win,
I’ll sift through years of memories. 
Of trials and trails,
Of tears and smiles,
Of fondness for my friends,
To select a special day. 
For a time, 
One last time. 

My recall will, undoubtedly,
Bring to mind my favorite,
And faces. 
I’ll struggle like all distance runners,
Grinding through the toughest of miles. 
Hanging on until the perfect course,
Fills my heart and leaves no doubt,
Where I’ll start,
To say goodbye. 

Be it then of no surprise,
Nor even a hint of dismay’
Certainly, the final path,
Must begin out Hopkinson way. 


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