
Showing posts from March, 2021

When Not Bad is as Good as it Gets! 🤷‍♂️

The title of this post might sound whiny or lame but that’s not it’s intention. It’s not written to elicit sympathy either. It’s simply a way of explaining how I feel physically most days now. People who know about my issues with PNH usually ask how I’m feeling when we talk and usually I respond okay or not bad when the reality is I’m sore or tired or having stomach issues or all of the above. There reaches a point where while I know people care when they ask more often than not the truth would bum them out so my answer? “Not Bad”. And for the record “not bad” doesn’t come anywhere near good, pretty good or okay.  With that being said life since I last posted and long before then has been, “not bad”.  My last post was brief but it was important because it talked about hope. Hope that things were going to start improving for everyone with the availability of vaccines. Since that post I got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine and even though I was pretty sick for about 36 hour...